Agile Testing Condensed Translations

Our Agile Testing Condensed book is available for order in many translations. More translations will be coming soon! Go To Translations

Agile Testing Condensed Now Available in Paperback (On Amazon)!

Whether you have years of experience helping your team build quality into your software product, or you’re just starting out in an agile or DevOps team and wondering how to fit in all the testing activities, there is a lot to learn. Where to start? We’ve distilled the basics of testing and building a quality […]

Our New Book – Agile Testing Condensed: A Brief Introduction

by Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispin We (Lisa and Janet) realized some time ago that our first two books Agile Testing and More Agile Testing were intimidating to many readers (although the people who did get through them, found them useful). Some of the comments were: “They are just too big – I can’t get […]

Agile Testing Condensed: A Brief Introduction – Table of Contents

Foreword by José Diaz Foreword by Johanna Rothman Acknowledgments SECTION 1: Foundations Chapter 1: What Do We Mean by Agile Testing Continuous testing models 10 principles for agile testing The testing manifesto Chapter 2: Whole Team Approach and Agile Testing Mindset Focus on quality How teams deal with defects Multiple perspectives Chapter 3: Test Planning […]

Agile Testing Condensed: A Brief Introduction

Available for purchase online.    Agile Testing Condensed presents a concise, easy-to-read overview of how to succeed with testing and build a quality culture in an agile context. Janet and Lisa have distilled their knowledge from two decades of agile testing to help readers understand: How test and QA professionals contribute on an agile team […]

Looking back at Agile Testing, 15 years on

The software world experiences continual technological change. Just look at how AI is taking it by storm right now. Other changes seem much slower. Test-driven development, for example, is a long way from crossing the chasm after being around for decades. We wrote our first book, Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile […]

Applying the Agile Testing Quadrants to Continuous Delivery and DevOps Culture – Part 1: Working Towards Continuous Delivery

This is a two-part series. Here in Part 1, we discuss using the agile testing quadrants in the context of working towards continuous delivery. Part 2 is about using the quadrants to plan your delivery pipeline.

Test Automation Pyramid

Janet wanted a link for her new book “Facilitating a quality assessment” (exact title yet to come) on the test automation pyramid. To our horror, we realized that we have never blogged about it – at least not specifically. It’s in all our books, but not where people who haven’t read our books could read […]